Food truck at night in Berlin Mitte | Fotograf Thomas Rosenthal | © Harald Höllrigl
Food truck at night in Berlin Mitte | Fotograf Thomas Rosenthal | © Harald Höllrigl
Food truck at night in Berlin Mitte | Fotograf Thomas Rosenthal | © Harald Höllrigl
Food truck at night in Berlin Mitte | Fotograf Thomas Rosenthal | © Harald Höllrigl
Food Truck
Food trucks provide the unique opportunity to combine our high-quality catering with the feeling of urban street life. In this way, the pavement in front of the location is incorporated into the guests' area of movement and the surrounding city is transformed into an event.
This culinary stylistic device is especially suited to highlighting an important moment or a certain dish in an exciting manner. An interesting flair is thus achieved at the start of the event by using the food truck to serve small "amuse bouches" to accompany the welcome cocktail, or also after a classic menu when offering sweet treats with the espresso, for example.
As the final act of the evening's event, the food truck creates a special atmosphere for a midnight snack. Berlin's "Currywurst" (curried sausage) lends itself thematically to this, since decades of night owls have made it a popular culinary finale to a night out in the capital. However, international delicacies such as falafel or simple Asian snacks may also be served.
It is thus not only a typical Berlin tradition that is being adopted – the expansion of the dining area into the city life additionally represents a bridge for the guests, brightening up their farewell from the event and therewith also their return to daily life.